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Monthly Archives: February 2019

“Home Front Girl” Wins Literary Classics Seal of Approval

Literary Classics Seal of Approval

Home Front Girl which came out in paperback recently has received another honor: the Literary Classics Seal of Approval! Along with that, their new review of the book has praised Joan as

an extraordinarily bright and insightful young girl growing up in Chicago at the advent of the second world war.  She had a profound love of literature, an introspective outlook on relationships with the opposite sex and was an extremely gifted writer.  After Joan’s passing in 2010, her adult daughter (award-winning author, Susan Signe Morrison) discovered Joan’s diaries and other collections of her writings, which she skillfully compiled into the literary treasure Home Front Girl.  This book offers a wonderfully unique and genuinely honest glimpse into the life of a precocious young girl during the tumultuous time leading up to and during World War II.  A fascinating and entertaining read, Home Front Girl is equal parts wit and grit.  Readers of all ages will delight in the verbal meanderings, assertions, and contemplations of Joan Whelen Morrison as they follow her through her early teens on up to young adulthood.  Recommended for home and school libraries, Home Front Girl has earned the Literary Classics Seal of Approval.

You can read the entire review here. Joan would be thrilled to know her words resonate decades after she wrote them.